Command Line Interface

The command line interface for sail-on-client is built upon Hydra. This allows the CLI to be a source for providing configuration parameters required in a experiment.


List of configuration group and default configuration


sail-on-client --help
Output for help
 == Configuration groups ==
 Compose your configuration from those groups (group=option)

 algorithms: override_agent, pre_computed_condda_agent, pre_computed_ond_agent, pre_computed_ond_reaction_agent
 base: base_condda, base_ond
 harness: local, override_harness, par
 protocol: condda, ond, visual
 protocol/detection: given, system
 protocol/eval: none, with_reaction, without_reaction
 protocol/feedback: classification, detection, detection_and_classification, none, score
 protocol/resume_session: none, resume
 protocol/save_attributes: none, save_attributes
 protocol/save_features: elementwise, none, testwise
 protocol/use_attributes: non_consolidated, none
 protocol/use_features: consolidated, non_consolidated, none

 == Config ==
 Override anything in the config (

       dataset_root: ???
       domain: ???
       save_dir: ???
       seed: 4001
       - ???
       is_eval_enabled: false
       is_eval_roundwise_enabled: false
       has_baseline: false
       has_reaction_baseline: false
       baseline_class: ''
       use_feedback: false
       feedback_type: null
       hints: null
       resume_session: false
       resume_session_ids: null
       save_elementwise: false
       save_features: false
       feature_extraction_only: false
       feature_dir: ''
       use_saved_features: false
       use_consolidated_features: false
       use_saved_attributes: false
             class: PreComputedONDAgent
               algorithm_name: ???
               cache_dir: ???
               has_roundwise_file: false
               round_size: ???
           class: LocalHarness
             data_dir: ???
             result_dir: ???
             gt_dir: ???
             gt_config: ???
     class: ONDProtocol

List of Defaults

sail-on-client --info defaults
Output for defaults
 Defaults List
 | Config path                       | Package                          | _self_ | Parent        |
 | hydra/output/default              | hydra                            | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/launcher/basic              | hydra.launcher                   | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/sweeper/basic               | hydra.sweeper                    | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/help/default                |                       | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/hydra_help/default          | hydra.hydra_help                 | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/hydra_logging/colorlog      | hydra.hydra_logging              | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/job_logging/colorlog        | hydra.job_logging                | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/env/default                 | hydra.env                        | False  | hydra/config  |
 | hydra/config                      | hydra                            | True   | <root>        |
 | protocol/visual                   | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/eval/none                | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/feedback/none            | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/detection/system         | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/resume_session/none      | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/save_features/none       | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/use_features/none        | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/use_attributes/none      | protocol.smqtk.config            | False  | protocol/ond  |
 | protocol/ond                      | protocol.smqtk.config            | True   | base/base_ond |
 | algorithms/pre_computed_ond_agent | protocol.smqtk.config.algorithms | False  | base/base_ond |
 | harness/local                     | protocol.smqtk.config.harness    | False  | base/base_ond |
 | base/base_ond                     | protocol.smqtk                   | True   | default       |
 | default                           |                                  | True   | <root>        |

Running Experiments


sail-on-client --config-dir configs/ \
               --config-name <name of the config under config directory without .yaml> \
               Mandatory <key>=<value> pairs seperated by space \
               Overriding <key>=<value> pairs seperated by space