Source code for sail_on_client.protocol.visual_round

"""Round for visual protocol."""

import logging
from typing import List, Any, Tuple, Dict

from sail_on_client.protocol.visual_dataclasses import (
from sail_on_client.harness.test_and_evaluation_harness import (
from sail_on_client.utils.utils import safe_remove
from sail_on_client.utils.decorators import skip_stage

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VisualRound: """Class with common elements for visual protocols."""
[docs] def __init__( self, algorithm: Any, data_root: str, features_dict: Dict, harness: TestAndEvaluationHarnessType, logit_dict: Dict, redlight_instance: str, session_id: str, skip_stages: List[str], test_id: str, ) -> None: """ Construct VisualRound. Args: algorithm: An instance of algorithm data_root: Root directory of the data features_dict: Dictionary with features for the entire dataset harness: An instance of the harness used for T&E logit_dict: Dictionary with logits for the entire dataset redlight_instance: The instance when the world changes session_id: Session id associated with the algorithm skip_stages: List of stages that are skipped test_id: Test id associated with the round Returns: None """ self.algorithm = algorithm self.data_root = data_root self.features_dict = features_dict self.harness = harness self.logit_dict = logit_dict self.redlight_instance = redlight_instance self.session_id = session_id self.skip_stages = skip_stages self.test_id = test_id
[docs] @staticmethod def get_instance_ids(dataset_path: str) -> List[str]: """ Get instance ids from the dataset. Args: dataset_path: Path to text file with instances used in a round Returns: List of instance ids from the dataset """ with open(dataset_path, "r") as dataset: instance_ids = dataset.readlines() instance_ids = [instance_id.strip() for instance_id in instance_ids] return instance_ids
[docs] @skip_stage("FeatureExtraction", ({}, {})) def _run_feature_extraction( self, fe_params: FeatureExtractionParams, instance_ids: List[str] ) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Private helper function for running feature extraction. Args: fe_params: An instance of dataclass with parameters for feature extraction instance_ids: Identifiers associated with data for a round Returns: Tuple for feature and logit dictionary for a round """ rfeature_dict, rlogit_dict = {}, {} if len(self.features_dict) > 0 and len(self.logit_dict) > 0: for instance_id in instance_ids: rfeature_dict[instance_id] = self.features_dict[instance_id] rlogit_dict[instance_id] = self.logit_dict[instance_id] else: fe_toolset = fe_params.get_toolset() rfeature_dict, rlogit_dict = self.algorithm.execute( fe_toolset, "FeatureExtraction" ) self.rfeature_dict, self.rlogit_dict = rfeature_dict, rlogit_dict return rfeature_dict, rlogit_dict
[docs] @skip_stage("WorldDetection") def _run_world_change_detection( self, wcd_params: WorldChangeDetectionParams, round_id: int, ) -> None: """ Private helper function for detecting that the world has changed. Args: wcd_params: An instance of dataclass with parameters for world change detection round_id: Identifier for a round Returns: None """ wd_result = self.algorithm.execute(wcd_params.get_toolset(), "WorldDetection") self.harness.post_results( {"detection": wd_result}, self.test_id, round_id, self.session_id ) safe_remove(wd_result)