Source code for sail_on_client.protocol.ond_test

"""Test for OND."""

import logging
from itertools import count
from typing import Union, Dict, Any, List

from sail_on_client.protocol.ond_dataclasses import (
from sail_on_client.protocol.ond_round import ONDRound
from sail_on_client.protocol.visual_test import VisualTest
from import create_feedback_instance, feedback_type
from sail_on_client.harness.test_and_evaluation_harness import (
from sail_on_client.utils.utils import safe_remove
from sail_on_client.utils.decorators import skip_stage
from sail_on_client.errors import RoundError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ONDTest(VisualTest): """Class Representing OND test."""
[docs] def __init__( self, algorithm_attributes: AlgorithmAttributes, data_root: str, domain: str, feedback_type: str, feature_dir: str, harness: TestAndEvaluationHarnessType, save_dir: str, session_id: str, skip_stages: List[str], use_consolidated_features: bool, use_saved_features: bool, ) -> None: """ Construct test for OND. Args: algorithm_attributes: An instance of algorithm_attributes data_root: Root directory for the dataset domain: Name of the domain for the test feedback_type: Type of feedback used in the test harness: An Instance of harness used for T&E save_dir: The directory where features are saved session_id: Session identifier for the test skip_stages: List of stages that would be skipped use_consolidated_features: Flag for using consolidated features use_saved_features: Flag for using saved features Returns: None """ super().__init__( algorithm_attributes, data_root, domain, feature_dir, harness, save_dir, session_id, skip_stages, use_consolidated_features, use_saved_features, ) self.feedback_type = feedback_type
[docs] @skip_stage("CreateFeedbackInstance") def _create_feedback_instance( self, test_id: str, feedback_max_ids: int ) -> feedback_type: """ Private function for creating feedback object. Args: test_id: An identifier for the test feedback_max_ids: Budget provided in metadata Return: An instance of feedback for the domain """"Creating Feedback object") if feedback_max_ids == 0: log.warn( """feedback_max_ids was missing from metadata, thus setting the feedback budget to 0""" ) feedback_params = { "first_budget": feedback_max_ids, "income_per_batch": feedback_max_ids, "maximum_budget": feedback_max_ids, "interface": self.harness, "session_id": self.session_id, "test_id": test_id, "feedback_type": self.feedback_type, } feedback_instance = create_feedback_instance(self.domain, feedback_params) return feedback_instance
@skip_stage("NoveltyCharacterization") def _run_novelty_characterization( self, algorithm: Any, nc_params: NoveltyCharacterizationParams, test_id: str ) -> None: characterization_results = algorithm.execute( nc_params.get_toolset(), "NoveltyCharacterization" ) if characterization_results: if isinstance(characterization_results, dict): self.harness.post_results( characterization_results, test_id, 0, self.session_id ) else: results = {"characterization": characterization_results} self.harness.post_results(results, test_id, 0, self.session_id) else: log.warn("No characterization result provided by the algorithm")
[docs] def __call__(self, test_id: str) -> Union[Dict, None]: """ Core logic for running test in OND. Args: test_id: An identifier for the test Returns: Score for the test """ metadata = self.harness.get_test_metadata(self.session_id, test_id) redlight_instance = metadata.get("red_light", "") feedback_max_ids = metadata.get("feedback_max_ids", 0) pre_novelty_batches = metadata.get("pre_novelty_batches", 0) # Initialize feedback object for the domains feedback_instance = self._create_feedback_instance(test_id, feedback_max_ids) # Initialize algorithm algorithm_instance = self.algorithm_attributes.instance algorithm_parameters = self.algorithm_attributes.parameters algorithm_init_params = InitializeParams( algorithm_parameters, self.session_id, test_id, pre_novelty_batches, feedback_instance, ) algorithm_instance.execute(algorithm_init_params.get_toolset(), "Initialize") # Restore features features_dict, logit_dict = self._restore_features(test_id) # Initialize Round round_instance = ONDRound( algorithm_instance, self.data_root, features_dict, self.harness, logit_dict, redlight_instance, self.session_id, self.skip_stages, test_id, ) aggregated_features_dict: Dict = {} aggregated_logit_dict: Dict = {} test_score = {} test_instances = [] # Run algorithm for multiple rounds for round_id in count(0):"Start round: {round_id}") # see if there is another round available try: dataset = self.harness.dataset_request( test_id, round_id, self.session_id ) except RoundError: # no more rounds available, this test is done. break round_score = round_instance(dataset, round_id) test_instances.extend(ONDRound.get_instance_ids(dataset)) if round_score: test_score[f"Round {round_id}"] = round_score ( aggregated_features_dict, aggregated_logit_dict, ) = self._aggregate_features_across_round( round_instance, aggregated_features_dict, aggregated_logit_dict ) # cleanup the dataset file for the round safe_remove(dataset)"Round complete: {round_id}") nc_params = NoveltyCharacterizationParams(test_instances) self._run_novelty_characterization(algorithm_instance, nc_params, test_id) self.harness.complete_test(self.session_id, test_id) self._save_features(test_id, aggregated_features_dict, aggregated_logit_dict) return test_score