Source code for sail_on_client.protocol.ond_dataclasses

"""Dataclasses for the protocols."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Any, Union
from sail_on_client.utils.utils import merge_dictionaries
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from import (
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from importlib.metadata import version, PackageNotFoundError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class AlgorithmAttributes: """Class for storing attributes of algorithm present in the protocol.""" name: str detection_threshold: float instance: Any is_baseline: bool is_reaction_baseline: bool package_name: str parameters: Dict session_id: str test_ids: List[str]
[docs] def named_version(self) -> str: """ Compute version of an algorithm. Returns: A string containing name and the version number """ try: if self.package_name: version_number = version(self.package_name) else: log.warn("No package_name provided. Using 0.0.1 as stand in.") version_number = "0.0.1" except PackageNotFoundError: log.warn( "Failed to detect the version of the algorithm. Using 0.0.1 as stand in." ) version_number = "0.0.1" return f"{}-{version_number}"
[docs] def remove_completed_tests(self, finished_tests: List[str]) -> None: """ Remove finished tests from test_ids. Args: finished_tests: List of tests that are complete Returns: None """ test_set = set(self.test_ids) ftest_set = set(finished_tests) self.test_ids = list(test_set ^ ftest_set)
[docs] def merge_detector_params( self, detector_params: Dict, exclude_keys: List = None ) -> None: """ Merge common parameters with algorithm specific parameters with exclusions. Args: detector_params: Dictionary of common parameters exclude_keys: List of keys that should be excluded in the merge Returns: None """ if not exclude_keys: exclude_keys = [] self.parameters = merge_dictionaries( self.parameters, detector_params, exclude_keys )
[docs]@dataclass class InitializeParams: """Class for storing parameters that are used to initialize the algorithm.""" parameters: Dict session_id: str test_id: str pre_novelty_batches: int feedback_instance: Union[ ImageClassificationFeedback, DocumentTranscriptionFeedback, ActivityRecognitionFeedback, None, ]
[docs] def get_toolset(self) -> Dict: """ Convert the data present in the class into a dictionary. Returns A dictionary with data associated with the class """ algorithm_toolset = self.parameters.copy() algorithm_toolset["session_id"] = self.session_id algorithm_toolset["test_id"] = self.test_id algorithm_toolset["test_type"] = "" algorithm_toolset["pre_novelty_batches"] = self.pre_novelty_batches if self.feedback_instance: algorithm_toolset["FeedbackInstance"] = self.feedback_instance return algorithm_toolset
[docs]@dataclass class NoveltyClassificationParams: """Class for storing parameters associated novelty classification in an algorithm.""" features_dict: Dict logit_dict: Dict round_id: int
[docs] def get_toolset(self) -> Dict: """ Convert the data present in the class into a dictionary. Returns A dictionary with data associated with the class """ return { "features_dict": self.features_dict, "logit_dict": self.logit_dict, "round_id": self.round_id, }
[docs]@dataclass class NoveltyAdaptationParams: """Class for storing parameters associated novelty adaptation with an algorithm.""" round_id: int
[docs] def get_toolset(self) -> Dict: """ Convert the data present in the class into a dictionary. Returns A dictionary with data associated with the class """ return { "round_id": self.round_id, }
[docs]@dataclass class NoveltyCharacterizationParams: """Class for storing parameters associated novelty characterization with an algorithm.""" dataset_ids: List[str]
[docs] def get_toolset(self) -> Dict: """ Convert the data present in the class into a dictionary. Returns A dictionary with data associated with the class """ return {"dataset_ids": self.dataset_ids}