Source code for sail_on_client.harness.test_and_evaluation_harness

"""Abstract harness for T&E."""

from smqtk_core import Configurable, Pluggable
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Dict, Any, TypeVar

TestAndEvaluationHarnessType = TypeVar(
    "TestAndEvaluationHarnessType", bound="TestAndEvaluationHarness"

[docs]class TestAndEvaluationHarness(Configurable, Pluggable): """Abstract interface for test and evaluation harness."""
[docs] @classmethod def is_usable(cls) -> bool: """Determine if this class with be detected by SMQTK's plugin.""" return True
[docs] def get_config(self) -> Dict: """Return a default configuration dictionary.""" return {}
[docs] @abstractmethod def test_ids_request( self, protocol: str, domain: str, detector_seed: str, test_assumptions: str = "{}", ) -> str: """ Request Test Identifiers as part of a series of individual tests. Args: protocol : string indicating which protocol is being evaluated domain : problem domain for the tests detector_seed : A seed provided by the novelty detector test_assumptions : Assumptions used by the detector Returns: Filename of file containing test ids """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def session_request( self, test_ids: list, protocol: str, domain: str, novelty_detector_version: str, hints: list, detection_threshold: float, ) -> str: """ Create a new session to evaluate the detector using an empirical protocol. Args: test_ids: List of tests being evaluated in this session protocol: String indicating which protocol is being evaluated domain: String indicating which domain is being evaluated novelty_detector_version: The novelty detector being evaluated hints: Hints used for the session detection_threshold: Detection threshold for the session Returns: A session identifier provided by the server """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def resume_session(self, session_id: str) -> List[str]: """ Get finished test from an existing session. Args: session id : Session id that was started but not terminated Returns: List of tests finished in the session """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def dataset_request(self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str) -> str: """ Request data for evaluation. Args: test_id: The test being evaluated at this moment. round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The identifier provided by the server for a single experiment Returns: Filename of a file containing a list of image files (including full path for each) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_feedback_request( self, feedback_ids: list, feedback_type: str, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, ) -> str: """ Get Labels from the server based provided one or more example ids. Args: feedback_ids: List of media ids for which feedback is required feedback_type: Protocols constants with the values: label, detection, characterization test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file containing containing requested feedback """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def post_results( self, result_files: Dict[str, str], test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str ) -> None: """ Post client detector predictions for the dataset. Args: result_files: A dictionary of results with protocol constant as key and file path as value test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_round_wise( self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get results for round(s). Args: test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file with the results """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate( self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, baseline_session_id: str = None, ) -> Dict: """ Get results for test(s). Args: test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file with the results """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_test_metadata(self, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieve the metadata json for the specified test. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: A dictionary containing metadata """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def complete_test(self, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> None: """ Mark test as completed. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: None """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def terminate_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: """ Terminate the session after the evaluation for the protocol is complete. Args: session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ pass