Source code for sail_on_client.harness.local_harness

"""Implementation of T&E Harness for running experiments locally."""

from sail_on_client.harness.file_provider import FileProvider
from sail_on_client.harness.file_provider_fn import get_session_info
from sail_on_client.errors import RoundError as ClientRoundError
from sail_on_client.evaluate import create_metric_instance
from sail_on_client.harness.test_and_evaluation_harness import TestAndEvaluationHarness

from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List
import os
import io
import logging
import ubelt as ub
import pandas as pd
import json

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LocalHarness(TestAndEvaluationHarness): """Harness without any server communication."""
[docs] def __init__( self, data_dir: str, result_dir: str, gt_dir: str = "", gt_config: str = "" ) -> None: """ Initialize an object of local harness. Args: data_dir: Path to the directory with the data result_dir: Path to the directory where results are stored gt_dir: Path to directory with ground truth gt_config: Path to config file with column mapping for ground truth Returns: None """ TestAndEvaluationHarness.__init__(self) self.temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() self.data_dir = data_dir self.gt_dir = gt_dir self.gt_config = gt_config self.temp_dir_name = self.result_dir = result_dir self.file_provider = FileProvider(self.data_dir, self.result_dir)
[docs] def get_config(self) -> Dict: """JSON Compliant representation of the object.""" return { "data_dir": self.data_dir, "gt_dir": self.gt_dir, "result_dir": self.result_dir, "gt_config": self.gt_config, }
[docs] def test_ids_request( self, protocol: str, domain: str, detector_seed: str, test_assumptions: str = "{}", ) -> str: """ Request Test Identifiers as part of a series of individual tests. Args: protocol : string indicating which protocol is being evaluated domain : problem domain for the tests detector_seed : A seed provided by the novelty detector test_assumptions : Assumptions used by the detector Returns: Filename of file containing test ids """ result_dict = self.file_provider.test_ids_request( protocol, domain, detector_seed, test_assumptions ) return result_dict["test_ids"]
[docs] def session_request( self, test_ids: list, protocol: str, domain: str, novelty_detector_version: str, hints: list, detection_threshold: float, ) -> str: """ Create a new session to evaluate the detector using an empirical protocol. Args: test_ids: List of tests being evaluated in this session protocol: String indicating which protocol is being evaluated domain: String indicating which domain is being evaluated novelty_detector_version: The novelty detector being evaluated hints: Hints used for the session detection_threshold: Detection threshold for the session Returns: A session identifier provided by the server """ return self.file_provider.new_session( test_ids, protocol, domain, novelty_detector_version, hints, detection_threshold, )
[docs] def resume_session(self, session_id: str) -> List[str]: """ Get finished test from an existing session. Args: session id : Session id that was started but not terminated Returns: List of tests finished in the session """ return self.file_provider.latest_session_info(session_id)["finished_tests"]
[docs] def dataset_request(self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str) -> str: """ Request data for evaluation. Args: test_id: The test being evaluated at this moment. round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The identifier provided by the server for a single experiment Returns: Filename of a file containing a list of image files (including full path for each) """ self.data_file = os.path.join( self.temp_dir_name, f"{session_id}.{test_id}.{round_id}.csv" ) byte_stream = self.file_provider.dataset_request(session_id, test_id, round_id) if byte_stream is None: raise ClientRoundError( reason="End of Dataset", msg="All Data from dataset has been requested" ) else: with open(self.data_file, "wb") as f: f.write(byte_stream.getbuffer()) return self.data_file
[docs] def get_feedback_request( self, feedback_ids: list, feedback_type: str, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, ) -> str: """ Get Labels from the server based provided one or more example ids. Args: feedback_ids: List of media ids for which feedback is required feedback_type: Protocols constants with the values: label, detection, characterization test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file containing containing requested feedback """ self.feedback_file = os.path.join( self.temp_dir_name, "feedback", f"{session_id}.{test_id}.{round_id}_{feedback_type}.csv", ) ub.ensuredir(os.path.join(self.temp_dir_name, "feedback")) byte_stream = self.file_provider.get_feedback( feedback_ids, feedback_type, session_id, test_id ) with open(self.feedback_file, "wb") as f: f.write(byte_stream.getbuffer()) return self.feedback_file
[docs] def post_results( self, result_files: Dict[str, str], test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str ) -> None: """ Post client detector predictions for the dataset. Args: result_files: A dictionary of results with protocol constant as key and file path as value test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ info = get_session_info(str(self.result_dir), session_id) protocol = info["created"]["protocol"] domain = info["created"]["domain"] base_result_path = os.path.join(str(self.result_dir), protocol, domain) os.makedirs(base_result_path, exist_ok=True) result_content = {} for result_key, result_file in result_files.items(): with open(result_file, "r") as f: content = result_content[result_key] = io.StringIO(content).getvalue() self.file_provider.post_results(session_id, test_id, round_id, result_content)
[docs] def evaluate_round_wise( self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get results for round(s). Args: test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file with the results """ gt_file_id = os.path.join(self.gt_dir, f"{test_id}_single_df.csv") gt = pd.read_csv(gt_file_id, sep=",", header=None, skiprows=1, quotechar="|") info = get_session_info(str(self.result_dir), session_id) protocol = info["created"]["protocol"] domain = info["created"]["domain"] metadata = self.get_test_metadata(session_id, test_id) round_size = metadata["round_size"] results: Dict[str, Union[Dict, float]] = {} gt_config = json.load(open(self.gt_config, "r")) classification_file_id = os.path.join( self.result_dir, protocol, domain, f"{session_id}.{test_id}_classification.csv", ) classifications = pd.read_csv( classification_file_id, sep=",", header=None, quotechar="|" ) gt_round = gt.iloc[round_id * round_size : (round_id + 1) * round_size] classification_round = classifications[ round_id * round_size : (round_id + 1) * round_size ] metric = create_metric_instance(protocol, domain, gt_config) m_acc = metric.m_acc_round_wise( classification_round, gt_round[metric.classification_id], round_id ) results[f"m_acc_round_{round_id}"] = m_acc"Accuracy for {test_id}, {round_id}: {ub.repr2(results)}") return results
[docs] def evaluate( self, test_id: str, round_id: int, session_id: str, baseline_session_id: str = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get results for test(s). Args: test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: Path to a file with the results """ gt_file_id = os.path.join(self.gt_dir, f"{test_id}_single_df.csv") gt = pd.read_csv(gt_file_id, sep=",", header=None, skiprows=1, quotechar="|") info = get_session_info(str(self.result_dir), session_id) protocol = info["created"]["protocol"] domain = info["created"]["domain"] results: Dict[str, Union[Dict, float]] = {} gt_config = json.load(open(self.gt_config, "r")) detection_file_id = os.path.join( self.result_dir, protocol, domain, f"{session_id}.{test_id}_detection.csv", ) detections = pd.read_csv(detection_file_id, sep=",", header=None, quotechar="|") classification_file_id = os.path.join( self.result_dir, protocol, domain, f"{session_id}.{test_id}_classification.csv", ) classifications = pd.read_csv( classification_file_id, sep=",", header=None, quotechar="|" ) if baseline_session_id is not None: baseline_classification_file_id = os.path.join( self.result_dir, protocol, domain, f"{baseline_session_id}.{test_id}_classification.csv", ) baseline_classifications = pd.read_csv( baseline_classification_file_id, sep=",", header=None ) metric = create_metric_instance(protocol, domain, gt_config) detection_idx = 1 gt_classification_idx = metric.classification_id # ######## Image Classification Evaluation ########### if domain == "image_classification": gt_detection_idx = metric.detection_id # p_unknown column for image classification novel_idx = 1 # ######## Activity Recognition Evaluation ########### elif domain == "activity_recognition": detection_idx = 1 gt_detection_idx = metric.novel_id # p_unknown column for activity recognition novel_idx = 31 # ######## Document Transcription Evaluation ########### elif domain == "transcripts": detection_idx = 1 gt_detection_idx = metric.novel_id # p_unknown column for transcripts in writer identification novel_idx = 50 else: raise AttributeError( f'Domain: "{domain}" is not a real domain. Get a clue.' ) m_num = metric.m_num(detections[detection_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx]) results["m_num"] = m_num m_num_stats = metric.m_num_stats( detections[detection_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx] ) results["m_num_stats"] = m_num_stats m_ndp = metric.m_ndp(classifications[novel_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx]) results["m_ndp"] = m_ndp m_ndp_pre = metric.m_ndp_pre(classifications[novel_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx]) results["m_ndp_pre"] = m_ndp_pre m_ndp_post = metric.m_ndp_post(classifications[novel_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx]) results["m_ndp_post"] = m_ndp_post m_acc = metric.m_acc( gt[gt_detection_idx], classifications, gt[gt_classification_idx], 100, 5, ) results["m_acc"] = m_acc m_acc_failed = metric.m_ndp_failed_reaction( detections[detection_idx], gt[gt_detection_idx], classifications, gt[gt_classification_idx], ) results["m_acc_failed"] = m_acc_failed m_is_cdt_and_is_early = metric.m_is_cdt_and_is_early( m_num_stats["GT_indx"], m_num_stats["P_indx_0.5"], gt.shape[0], ) results["m_is_cdt_and_is_early"] = m_is_cdt_and_is_early if baseline_session_id is not None: m_acc_baseline = metric.m_acc( gt[gt_detection_idx], baseline_classifications, gt[gt_classification_idx], 100, 5, )"Baseline performance for {test_id}: {ub.repr2(m_acc_baseline)}") m_nrp = metric.m_nrp(m_acc, m_acc_baseline) results["m_nrp"] = m_nrp"Results for {test_id}: {ub.repr2(results)}") return results
[docs] def get_test_metadata(self, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieve the metadata json for the specified test. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: A dictionary containing metadata """ return self.file_provider.get_test_metadata(session_id, test_id)
[docs] def complete_test(self, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> None: """ Mark test as completed. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: None """ self.file_provider.complete_test(session_id, test_id)
[docs] def terminate_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: """ Terminate the session after the evaluation for the protocol is complete. Args: session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ self.file_provider.terminate_session(session_id)