Source code for sail_on_client.harness.file_provider_fn

"""Set of functions used by file provider."""
from sail_on_client.errors.errors import ServerError, ProtocolError, RoundError
from sail_on_client.harness.constants import ProtocolConstants

import csv
import datetime
import numpy as np
import nltk
import os
import json
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any
from sklearn.metrics.cluster import normalized_mutual_info_score
import re
import traceback

[docs]def read_gt_csv_file(file_location: str) -> List: """ Read the ground truth csv file. Args: file_location: Path to the gt csv file Returns: List of entries in csv file """ with open(file_location, "r") as f: csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=",", quotechar="|") return list(csv_reader)[1:]
[docs]def read_meta_data(file_location: str) -> Dict: """ Read the metadata file. Args: file_location: Path to the gt csv file Returns: Content of the metadata file """ with open(file_location, "r") as md: return json.load(md)
[docs]def get_encoding(domain: str) -> str: """ Get encoding based on the domain. Args: Name of the domain Returns: Encoding string for the domain """ if domain == "nlt": return ProtocolConstants.NLT_ENCODING elif domain == "activity_recognition": return ProtocolConstants.VAR_ENCODING elif domain == "transcripts": return ProtocolConstants.WTR_ENCODING else: return "utf-8"
[docs]def get_session_info( folder: str, session_id: str, in_process_only: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieve session info. Args: folder: Folder where the session file is saved session_id: Session id for which the info is required in_process_only: Flag to get information while the session is active Returns: Session information as a dict """ path = os.path.join(folder, f"{str(session_id)}.json") if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, "r") as session_file: info = json.load(session_file) terminated = "termination" in info if terminated and in_process_only: raise ProtocolError( "SessionEnded", """The session being requested has already been terminated. Please either create a new session or request a different ID""", ) else: return info return {}
[docs]def get_session_test_info(folder: str, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieve session info for a test. Args: folder: Folder where the session file is saved session_id: Session id for which the info is required test_id: Test id for which the info is required Returns: Session information associated with test as a dict """ path = os.path.join(folder, f"{str(session_id)}.{test_id}.json") if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, "r") as session_file: info = json.load(session_file) if "completion" in info: raise ProtocolError( "TestCompleted", "The test being requested has already been completed for this session", ) else: return info return {}
[docs]def write_session_log_file(structure: Dict, filepath: str) -> None: """ Write session information in a log file. Args: structure: Dict with information about the session filepath: Path to the file where log file is saved Returns: None """ with open(filepath, "w") as session_file: json.dump(structure, session_file, indent=2)
[docs]def log_session( folder: str, session_id: str, activity: str, test_id: Optional[str] = None, round_id: Optional[int] = None, content: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, content_loc: Optional[str] = "round", return_structure: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Optional[Dict]: """ Create a log files of all session activity. Args: folder: Folder where the session file is saved session_id: Session id associated with the log test_id: Test id associated with the log round_id: Round id associated with the log content: Content of the log content_loc: Location where the content should be added return_structure: Flag to return the updated log Returns Updated log if `return_structure` is set to True """ structure = get_session_info(folder, session_id) write_session_file = True if test_id is None: structure[activity] = {"time": [str(]} if content is not None: structure[activity].update(content) else: test_structure = get_session_test_info(folder, session_id, test_id) if activity not in test_structure: test_structure[activity] = {"time": [str(]} if content_loc == "activity": if content is not None: test_structure[activity].update(content) if round_id is not None: round_id_str = str(round_id) rounds = test_structure[activity].get("rounds", {}) if round_id_str not in rounds: rounds[round_id_str] = {"time": [str(]} else: rounds[round_id_str]["time"].append(str( if content_loc == "round": if content is not None: rounds[round_id_str].update(content) test_structure[activity]["rounds"] = rounds test_structure[activity]["last round"] = round_id_str if not return_structure: write_session_log_file( test_structure, os.path.join(folder, f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}.json"), ) if activity == "completion": session_tests = structure.get("tests", {"completed_tests": []}) session_tests["completed_tests"].append(test_id) structure["tests"] = session_tests else: write_session_file = False if write_session_file: write_session_log_file( structure, os.path.join(folder, f"{str(session_id)}.json") ) if return_structure: return test_structure return None
[docs]def read_feedback_file( csv_reader: "csv.reader", # type: ignore feedback_ids: Optional[List[str]], metadata: Dict[str, Any], check_constrained: bool = True, ) -> Dict: """ Get feedback from feedback file for the specified ids in the last submitted round. Args: csv_reader: An instance of csv reader feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata check_constrained: Flag to check constraints associated with feedback Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ feedback_constrained = metadata.get("feedback_constrained", True) lines: List = list(csv_reader) try: if not check_constrained or not feedback_constrained: start = 0 end = len(lines) else: # under the constrained case, we always look at the last round start = len(lines) - int(metadata["round_size"]) end = start + int(metadata["round_size"]) except KeyError: raise RoundError( "no_defined_rounds", "round_size not defined in metadata.", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) if feedback_ids: return { x[0]: list(x[1:]) for x in [[n.strip(" \"'") for n in y] for y in lines][start:end] if x[0] in feedback_ids } else: return { x[0]: list(x[1:]) for x in [[n.strip(" \"'") for n in y] for y in lines][start:end] }
[docs]def get_classification_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Calculate the proper feedback for classification type feedback. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ if feedback_ids is None or len(feedback_ids) == 0: # if feedback ids not provided, limit to those in the last round with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file( result_reader, None, metadata, check_constrained=True ) feedback_max_ids = min( metadata.get("feedback_max_ids", len(results)), len(results) ) feedback_ids = list(results.keys())[: int(feedback_max_ids)] ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=feedback_ids is None or len(feedback_ids) == 0, ) return { x: min(int(ground_truth[x][metadata["columns"][0]]), metadata["known_classes"]) for x in ground_truth.keys() }
[docs]def get_kinetics_labels_var_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get feedback for video activity recognition. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=feedback_ids is None or len(feedback_ids) == 0, ) return { x: ground_truth[x][metadata["columns"][0] : metadata["columns"][1]] for x in ground_truth.keys() }
[docs]def get_single_gt_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get feedback that specifies if a sample if correct or incorrect. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file( result_reader, feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=True ) # if feedback ids not provided, limit ids grabbed from ground truth to the last submitted round gt_feedback_ids = [] if feedback_ids is None or len(feedback_ids) == 0: gt_feedback_ids = list(results.keys()) else: gt_feedback_ids = feedback_ids ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), gt_feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=gt_feedback_ids is None or len(gt_feedback_ids) == 0, ) return_ids = [] # For specific feedback types, and when no feedback ids are specified, # will only return feedback on instances marked incorrectly if metadata.get("return_incorrect", None) and not feedback_ids: for sample_id in results.keys(): r = -1 if metadata["return_incorrect"] == ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION: r = int(np.argmax([float(i) for i in results[sample_id]], axis=0)) elif metadata["return_incorrect"] == ProtocolConstants.DETECTION: r = int(results[sample_id][1]) else: raise ProtocolError( "FeedbackConfigError", "The api based feedback config is misconfigured. Please check API", ) g = int(ground_truth[sample_id][metadata["columns"][0]]) if r != g: return_ids.append(sample_id) else: return_ids = list(ground_truth.keys()) return {x: ground_truth[x][metadata["columns"][0]] for x in return_ids}
[docs]def get_classificaton_score_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Calculate feedback on the accuracy of classification. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), None, metadata, check_constrained=False ) with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file( result_reader, None, metadata, check_constrained=False ) # Go through results and count number correct num_correct = 0 for idx in results.keys(): r = int(np.argmax([float(i) for i in results[idx]], axis=0)) g = int(ground_truth[idx][metadata["columns"][0]]) if r == g: num_correct += 1 accuracy = float(num_correct) / float(len(results.keys())) return {"accuracy": accuracy}
[docs]def get_characterization_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Calculate the proper feedback for characterization type feedback. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ # Not implemented raise NameError("Characterization Feedback is not supported.") known_classes = int(metadata["known_classes"]) + 1 with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file(result_reader, feedback_ids, metadata) ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=False ) # If ground truth is not novel, returns 1 is prediction is correct, # otherwise returns 1 if prediction is not a known class return { x: 0 if ( sum(ground_truth[x][1:known_classes]) > (ground_truth[x][0] + sum(ground_truth[x][known_classes:])) and ground_truth[x].index(max(ground_truth[x])) != results[x].index(max(results[x])) ) or ( sum(ground_truth[x][1:known_classes]) < (ground_truth[x][0] + sum(ground_truth[x][known_classes:])) and (results[x].index(max(results[x])) in range(1, known_classes)) ) else 1 for x in ground_truth.keys() }
def _ensure_space(input_str: str) -> str: return " ".join( [ x.strip() for x in re.split( r"(\W+)", input_str.replace(";", "") .replace('"', "") .replace("|", "") .replace(" ", " "), ) ] )
[docs]def get_levenshtein_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Calculate the proper feedback for levenshtein type feedback. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=False ) with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file(result_reader, feedback_ids, metadata) return { x: [ nltk.edit_distance( _ensure_space(ground_truth[x][metadata["columns"][i]]), _ensure_space(results[x][0]), ) for i, _ in enumerate(metadata["columns"]) ] for x in results.keys() }
[docs]def get_cluster_feedback( gt_file: str, result_files: List[str], feedback_ids: List[str], metadata: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Calculate the proper feedback for cluster type feedback. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file result_files: List of paths with results feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested metadata: Dictionary with metadata Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ ground_truth = read_feedback_file( read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata, check_constrained=False ) with open(result_files[0], "r") as rf: result_reader = csv.reader(rf, delimiter=",") results = read_feedback_file(result_reader, feedback_ids, metadata) if feedback_ids is None: feedback_ids = ground_truth.keys() # clear ground truth of all but relevant columns for key in ground_truth.keys(): ground_truth[key] = [ground_truth[key][i] for i in metadata["columns"]] gt_list = [] r_list = [] try: for key in sorted(feedback_ids): gt_list.append([float(x) for x in ground_truth[key]]) r_list.append([float(x) for x in results[key]]) except Exception: raise ServerError( "MissingIds", """Some requested Ids are missing from either ground truth or results file for the current round""", ) gt_np = np.array(gt_list).reshape(len(gt_list)) r_np = np.argmax(np.array(r_list), axis=1) return_dict = {"nmi": normalized_mutual_info_score(gt_np, r_np)} for i in np.unique(r_np): places = np.where(r_np == i)[0] return_dict[str(i)] = ( max(np.unique(gt_np[places], return_counts=True)[1]) / places.shape[0] ) return return_dict
[docs]def psuedo_label_feedback( gt_file: str, feedback_ids: List[str], feedback_type: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any], folder: str, session_id: str, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get psuedo label feedback for requested ids. Args: gt_file: Path to ground truth file feedback_ids: Element ids for which feedback is requested feedback_type: Type of feedback metadata: Dictionary with metadata folder: Folder where the session file is saved session_id: Session id for which the info is required Returns: Dictionary containing feedback with feedback_ids as keys """ ground_truth = read_feedback_file(read_gt_csv_file(gt_file), feedback_ids, metadata) structure = get_session_info(folder, session_id) if "psuedo_labels" in structure: if feedback_type in structure["psuedo_labels"]: labels = structure["psuedo_labels"][feedback_type] else: structure["psuedo_labels"][feedback_type] = [] labels = [] else: structure["psuedo_labels"] = {feedback_type: []} labels = [] return_dict = {} for x in ground_truth.keys(): col = int(ground_truth[x][metadata["columns"][0]]) if col not in labels: labels.append(col) return_dict[x] = labels.index(col) structure["psuedo_labels"][feedback_type] = labels write_session_log_file(structure, os.path.join(folder, f"{str(session_id)}.json")) return return_dict