Source code for sail_on_client.harness.file_provider

"""A provider class for evaluating with files."""

from sail_on_client.errors.errors import ProtocolError, ServerError, RoundError
from sail_on_client.harness.constants import ProtocolConstants
from sail_on_client.harness.file_provider_fn import (

import csv
import logging
import os
import glob
import uuid
import traceback
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
from io import BytesIO

[docs]class FileProvider: """File-based service provider."""
[docs] def __init__(self, folder: str, results_folder: str) -> None: """ Initialize file provider. Args: folder: Folder where the data is present results_folder: Folder where the results are saved Returns: None """ self.folder = folder self.results_folder = results_folder os.makedirs(results_folder, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def get_test_metadata( self, session_id: str, test_id: str, api_call: bool = True, in_process_only: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get test metadata. Args: session_id: Session id for which the info is required test_id: Test id for which the info is required api_call: Flag to change metadata to approved metadata in_process_only: Flag to get information while the session is active Returns: Metadata associated with the test as a dictionary """ try: structure = get_session_info( self.results_folder, session_id, in_process_only=in_process_only ) info = structure["created"] metadata_location = os.path.join( self.folder, info["protocol"], info["domain"], f"{test_id}_metadata.json", ) except KeyError: raise ProtocolError( "session_id_invalid", f"Provided session id {session_id} could not be found or was improperly set up", ) if not os.path.exists(metadata_location): raise ServerError( "metadata_not_found", f"Metadata file for Test Id {test_id} could not be found", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) hints = [] # List of metadata vars approved to be sent to the client approved_metadata = [ "protocol", "known_classes", "max_novel_classes", "round_size", "feedback_max_ids", "pre_novelty_batches", "pre_novelty_training", "max_detection_feedback_ids", ] hints = info.get("hints", []) approved_metadata.extend([data for data in ["red_light"] if data in hints]) overrides = {} for hint_data in hints: if "=" in hint_data: parts = hint_data.split("=") if parts[0] in approved_metadata: overrides[parts[0]] = int(parts[1]) md = read_meta_data(metadata_location) md.update(overrides) if api_call: return {k: v for k, v in md.items() if k in approved_metadata} return md
[docs] def test_ids_request( self, protocol: str, domain: str, detector_seed: str, test_assumptions: str ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Request test IDs. Args: protocol: Name of the protocol domain: Domain of the application detector_seed: Seed used by the detector test_assumptions: Assumptions made when generating the tests Returns: Dictionary with the list of tests and seed used for generating tests """ def _strip_id(filename: str) -> str: return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] file_location = os.path.join(self.folder, protocol, domain, "test_ids.csv") if not os.path.exists(file_location): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder, protocol)): msg = f"{protocol} not configured" elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.folder, protocol, domain)): msg = f"domain {domain} for {protocol} not configured" else: test_ids = [ _strip_id(f) for f in glob.glob( os.path.join(self.folder, protocol, domain, "*.csv") ) ] with open(file_location, "w") as f: f.writelines(test_ids) return {"test_ids": file_location, "generator_seed": "1234"} raise ProtocolError( "BadDomain", msg, "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) return {"test_ids": file_location, "generator_seed": "1234"}
[docs] def new_session( self, test_ids: List[str], protocol: str, domain: str, novelty_detector_version: str, hints: List[str], detection_threshold: float, ) -> str: """ Create a session. Args: test_ids: Test ids evaluated in the session protocol: Name of the protocol domain: Domain of the protocol novelty_detector_version: Version of the novelty detector hints: List of hints used in the session detection_threshold: Detection threshold used by the novelty detector Returns: Session id for the agent """ # Verify's that all given test id's are valid and have associated csv files for test_id in test_ids: file_location = os.path.join( self.folder, protocol, domain, f"{test_id}_single_df.csv" ) if not os.path.exists(file_location): raise ServerError( "test_id_invalid", f"Test Id {test_id} could not be matched to a specific file", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) log_session( self.results_folder, session_id, activity="created", content={ "protocol": protocol, "domain": domain, "detector": novelty_detector_version, "detection_threshold": detection_threshold, "hints": hints, }, ) return session_id
[docs] def dataset_request( self, session_id: str, test_id: str, round_id: int ) -> Optional[BytesIO]: """ Request a dataset. Args: test_id: The test being evaluated at this moment. round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The identifier provided by the server for a single experiment Returns: Returns an instance of BytesIO """ try: info = get_session_info(self.results_folder, session_id)["created"] test_info = get_session_test_info(self.results_folder, session_id, test_id) file_location = os.path.join( self.folder, info["protocol"], info["domain"], f"{test_id}_single_df.csv", ) except KeyError: raise ProtocolError( "session_id_invalid", f"Provided session id {session_id} could not be found or was improperly set up", ) if not os.path.exists(file_location): raise ServerError( "test_id_invalid", f"Test Id {test_id} could not be matched to a specific file", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) metadata = self.get_test_metadata(session_id, test_id, False) if round_id is not None: # Check for removing leftover files from restarting tests within a session if int(round_id) == 0 and test_info: test_session_path = os.path.join( self.results_folder, f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}.json" ) if os.path.exists(test_session_path): os.remove(test_session_path) test_result_paths = glob.glob( os.path.join( self.results_folder, info["protocol"], info["domain"], f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}_*.csv", ) ) for path in test_result_paths: os.remove(path) temp_file_path = BytesIO() lines = read_gt_csv_file(file_location) lines = [x[0] for x in lines if x[0].strip("\n\t\"',.") != ""] try: round_pos = int(round_id) * int(metadata["round_size"]) except KeyError: raise RoundError( "no_defined_rounds", f"round_size not defined in metadata for test id {test_id}", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) if round_pos >= len(lines): return None text = ( "\n".join(lines[round_pos : round_pos + int(metadata["round_size"])]) + "\n" ).encode("utf-8") temp_file_path.write(text) else: temp_file_path = open(file_location, "rb") log_session( self.results_folder, session_id, test_id=test_id, round_id=round_id, activity="data_request", ) return temp_file_path
feedback_request_mapping: Dict = { "image_classification": { ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION: { "function": get_classification_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [1], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.NOTIFY_AND_CONTINUE, "budgeted_feedback": True, }, ProtocolConstants.SCORE: { "function": get_classificaton_score_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [1], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": False, }, ProtocolConstants.DETECTION: { "function": get_single_gt_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.DETECTION], "columns": [0], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, "required_hints": [], "alternate_budget": "max_detection_feedback_ids", }, }, "transcripts": { ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION: { "function": get_classification_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [4], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, }, ProtocolConstants.TRANSCRIPTION: { "function": get_levenshtein_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.TRANSCRIPTION], "columns": [0], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, }, ProtocolConstants.SCORE: { "function": get_classificaton_score_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [4], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": False, }, }, "activity_recognition": { ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION: { "function": get_kinetics_labels_var_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [5, 10], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, }, ProtocolConstants.LABELS: { "function": get_single_gt_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [2], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, "return_incorrect": ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION, }, ProtocolConstants.SCORE: { "function": get_classificaton_score_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.CLASSIFICATION], "columns": [2], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": False, }, ProtocolConstants.DETECTION: { "function": get_single_gt_feedback, "files": [ProtocolConstants.DETECTION], "columns": [0], "detection_req": ProtocolConstants.SKIP, "budgeted_feedback": True, "required_hints": [], "alternate_budget": "max_detection_feedback_ids", }, }, }
[docs] def get_feedback( self, feedback_ids: List[str], feedback_type: str, session_id: str, test_id: str ) -> BytesIO: """ Get feedback of the specified type. Args: feedback_ids: List of media ids for which feedback is required feedback_type: Protocols constants with the values: label, detection, characterization session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: An instance of BytesIO with feedback """ metadata = self.get_test_metadata(session_id, test_id, False) structure = get_session_info(self.results_folder, session_id) test_structure = get_session_test_info(self.results_folder, session_id, test_id) domain = structure["created"]["domain"] if domain not in self.feedback_request_mapping: raise ProtocolError( "BadDomain", f"The set domain does not match a domain type. Please check the metadata file for {test_id}", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) # Ensure feedback type works with session domain # and if so, grab the proper files try: feedback_definition = self.feedback_request_mapping[domain][feedback_type] file_types = feedback_definition["files"] except Exception: raise ProtocolError( "InvalidFeedbackType", f"Invalid feedback type requested for the test id {test_id} with domain {domain}", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) is_given_detection_mode = "red_light" in structure["created"].get("hints", []) budgeted_feedback = feedback_definition["budgeted_feedback"] and not ( feedback_type == ProtocolConstants.DETECTION and is_given_detection_mode ) if ( "alternate_budget" in feedback_definition and feedback_definition["alternate_budget"] in metadata ): feedback_budget = int(metadata[feedback_definition["alternate_budget"]]) else: feedback_budget = int(metadata.get("feedback_max_ids", 0)) feedback_round_id = str(0) try: # Gets the amount of ids already requested for this type of feedback this round and # determines whether the limit has already been reached feedback_round_id = str( max([int(r) for r in test_structure["post_results"]["rounds"].keys()]) ) feedback_count = test_structure["get_feedback"]["rounds"][ feedback_round_id ].get(feedback_type, 0) if feedback_count >= feedback_budget: raise ProtocolError( "FeedbackBudgetExceeded", f"Feedback of type {feedback_type} has already been requested on the maximum number of ids", ) except KeyError: feedback_count = 0 ground_truth_file = os.path.join( self.folder, metadata["protocol"], domain, f"{test_id}_single_df.csv" ) if not os.path.exists(ground_truth_file): raise ServerError( "test_id_invalid", f"Could not find ground truth file for test Id {test_id}", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) results_files = [] for t in file_types: results_files.append( os.path.join( self.results_folder, metadata["protocol"], domain, f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}_{t}.csv", ) ) if len(results_files) < len(file_types): raise ServerError( "test_id_invalid", f"Could not find posted result file(s) for test Id {test_id} with feedback type {feedback_type}", "".join(traceback.format_stack()), ) # Ensure any required hint(s) are present in the session info structure req_hints = feedback_definition.get("required_hints", []) if len(req_hints) > 0: for hint in req_hints: if hint not in structure["created"].get("hints", []): logging.warning( "Inform TA2 team that they are requesting feedback prior to the threshold indication" ) return BytesIO() detection_requirement = feedback_definition.get( "detection_req", ProtocolConstants.IGNORE ) # If novelty detection is required, ensure detection has been posted # for the requested round and novelty claimed for the test if detection_requirement != ProtocolConstants.IGNORE: test_results_structure = test_structure["post_results"] if "detection file path" not in test_results_structure: raise ProtocolError( "DetectionPostRequired", """A detection file is required to be posted before feedback can be requested on a round. Please submit Detection results before requesting feedback""", ) else: try: with open( test_results_structure["detection file path"], "r" ) as d_file: d_reader = csv.reader(d_file, delimiter=",") detection_lines = list(d_reader) predictions = [float(x[1]) for x in detection_lines] # if given detection and past the detection point is_given = is_given_detection_mode and metadata.get( "red_light" ) in [x[0] for x in detection_lines] if ( max(predictions) <= structure["created"]["detection_threshold"] and not is_given ): if ( detection_requirement == ProtocolConstants.NOTIFY_AND_CONTINUE ): logging.error( "Inform TA2 team that they are requesting feedback prior to the threshold indication" ) elif detection_requirement == ProtocolConstants.SKIP: logging.warning( "Inform TA2 team that they are requesting feedback prior to the threshold indication" ) return BytesIO() else: raise ProtocolError( "NoveltyDetectionRequired", "In order to request feedback, novelty must be declared for the test", ) except ProtocolError as e: raise e except Exception: raise ServerError( "CantReadFile", f"""Couldnt open the logged detection file at {test_results_structure['detection file path']}. Please check if the file exists and that {session_id}.json has the proper file location for test id {test_id}""", traceback.format_exc(), ) # Add columns to metadata for use in feedback metadata["columns"] = feedback_definition.get("columns", []) # Get feedback from specified test try: if "psuedo" in feedback_type: feedback = psuedo_label_feedback( ground_truth_file, feedback_ids, feedback_definition["files"][0], metadata, self.results_folder, session_id, ) else: feedback = feedback_definition["function"]( ground_truth_file, results_files, feedback_ids, metadata ) except KeyError: raise ProtocolError( "feedback_type_invalid", f"""Feedback type {feedback_type} is not valid. Make sure the provider's feedback_algorithms variable is properly set up""", traceback.format_exc(), ) number_of_ids_to_return = len(feedback) # if budgeted, decrement use and check if too many has been requested if budgeted_feedback: left_over_ids = feedback_budget - feedback_count number_of_ids_to_return = min(number_of_ids_to_return, left_over_ids) feedback_count += number_of_ids_to_return log_session( self.results_folder, session_id=session_id, activity="get_feedback", test_id=test_id, round_id=int(feedback_round_id), content={feedback_type: feedback_count, "feedback_budget": feedback_budget}, ) feedback_csv = BytesIO() for key in feedback.keys(): if type(feedback[key]) is not list: feedback_csv.write(f"{key},{feedback[key]}\n".encode("utf-8")) else: feedback_csv.write( f"{key},{','.join(str(x) for x in feedback[key])}\n".encode("utf-8") ) number_of_ids_to_return -= 1 # once maximium requested number is hit, quit if number_of_ids_to_return == 0: break return feedback_csv
[docs] def post_results( self, session_id: str, test_id: str, round_id: int, result_files: Dict[str, str], ) -> None: """ Post results. Args: result_files: A dictionary of results with protocol constant as key and file path as value test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated round_id: The sequential number of the round being evaluated session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ # Modify session file with posted results structure = get_session_info(self.results_folder, session_id) test_structure = get_session_test_info(self.results_folder, session_id, test_id) if "detection" in result_files.keys(): try: if ( "detection" in test_structure["post_results"]["rounds"][str(round_id)]["types"] ): raise ProtocolError( "DetectionRepost", """Cannot re post detection for a given round. If you attempted to submit any other results, please resubmit without detection.""", ) except KeyError: pass protocol = structure["created"]["protocol"] domain = structure["created"]["domain"] os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.results_folder, protocol, domain), exist_ok=True) log_content = {} for r_type in result_files.keys(): filename = f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}_{r_type}.csv" path = os.path.join(self.results_folder, protocol, domain, filename) log_content[f"{r_type} file path"] = path with open(path, "a+") as result_file: result_file.write(result_files[r_type]) # Log call log_content["last round"] = str(round_id) updated_test_structure = log_session( self.results_folder, activity="post_results", session_id=session_id, test_id=test_id, round_id=round_id, content=log_content, content_loc="activity", return_structure=True, ) if updated_test_structure: prev_types = updated_test_structure["post_results"]["rounds"][ str(round_id) ].get("types", []) new_types = prev_types + list(result_files.keys()) updated_test_structure["post_results"]["rounds"][str(round_id)][ "types" ] = new_types write_session_log_file( updated_test_structure, os.path.join( self.results_folder, f"{str(session_id)}.{str(test_id)}.json" ), )
[docs] def complete_test(self, session_id: str, test_id: str) -> None: """ Mark test as completed in session logs. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated test_id: The id of the test currently being evaluated Returns: None """ log_session( self.results_folder, session_id=session_id, test_id=test_id, activity="completion", )
[docs] def terminate_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: """ Terminate the session. Args: session_id: The id provided by a server denoting a session Returns: None """ # Modify session file to indicate session has been terminated log_session(self.results_folder, session_id=session_id, activity="termination")
[docs] def latest_session_info(self, session_id: str) -> Dict: """ Get tests finished from the most recent session. Args: session_id: The id of the session currently being evaluated Returns: List of tests that have been marked as completed in the session """ structure = get_session_info(self.results_folder, session_id) latest = {} latest["finished_tests"] = structure["tests"]["completed_tests"] return latest