Source code for

"""Image Classification Feedback."""

from sail_on_client.harness.par_harness import ParHarness
from sail_on_client.harness.local_harness import LocalHarness
from import Feedback
from typing import Union

SUPPORTED_FEEDBACK = ["classification", "score"]

[docs]class ImageClassificationFeedback(Feedback): """Feedback for image classification."""
[docs] def __init__( self, first_budget: int, income_per_batch: int, maximum_budget: int, interface: Union[LocalHarness, ParHarness], session_id: str, test_id: str, feedback_type: str, ) -> None: """ Initialize image classification feedback object. Args: first_budget: Initial budget income_per_batch: Additional labels added after every batch maximum_budget: Max labels that can be requested interface: An instance of evaluation interface session_id: Session identifier test_id: Test identifier feedback_type: Type of feedback that can be requested Returns: None """ if feedback_type not in SUPPORTED_FEEDBACK: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported feedback_type {feedback_type}") super(ImageClassificationFeedback, self).__init__( first_budget, income_per_batch, maximum_budget, interface, session_id, test_id, feedback_type, )