Source code for

"""Abstract class for feedback for sail-on."""

import pandas as pd
from sail_on_client.harness.par_harness import ParHarness
from sail_on_client.harness.local_harness import LocalHarness

from typing import Union, Dict

[docs]class Feedback: """Base class for Feedback."""
[docs] def __init__( self, first_budget: int, income_per_batch: int, maximum_budget: int, interface: Union[LocalHarness, ParHarness], session_id: str, test_id: str, feedback_type: str, ) -> None: """ Initialize. Args: first_budget: Initial budget income_per_batch: Additional labels added after every batch maximum_budget: Max labels that can be requested interface: An instance of evaluation interface session_id: Session identifier test_id: Test identifier feedback_type: Type of feedback that can be requested Returns: None """ self.budget = first_budget self.income_per_batch = income_per_batch self.maximum_budget = maximum_budget self.current_round = -1 self.interface = interface self.session_id = session_id self.test_id = test_id self.feedback_type = feedback_type
[docs] def get_labeled_feedback( self, round_id: int, images_id_list: list, image_names: list ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, None]: """ Get labeled feedback for the round. Args: round_id: Round identifier image_id_list: List if indices for images image_names: List of image names for the round Return: A dictionary with the accuracy value or None if feedback is requested for an older round """ if round_id > self.current_round: self.deposit_income() self.current_round = round_id if len(images_id_list) <= self.budget: self.budget = self.budget - len(images_id_list) image_ids = [image_names[int(idx)] for idx in images_id_list] feedback_file = self.interface.get_feedback_request( image_ids, self.feedback_type, self.test_id, round_id, self.session_id, ) df = pd.read_csv( feedback_file, delimiter=",", header=None, names=["id", "labels"] ) else: raise ValueError("the function should be added") else: df = None return df
[docs] def get_score_feedback( self, round_id: int, images_id_list: list, image_names: list ) -> Union[Dict, None]: """ Get accuracy value for the round. Note: this is not budgeted. Args: round_id: Round identifier image_id_list: List if indices for images image_names: List of image names for the round Return: A dictionary with the accuracy value or None if feedback is requested for an older round """ if round_id > self.current_round: self.deposit_income() self.current_round = round_id image_ids = [image_names[int(idx)] for idx in images_id_list] feedback_file = self.interface.get_feedback_request( image_ids, self.feedback_type, self.test_id, round_id, self.session_id, ) df = pd.read_csv(feedback_file, delimiter=",", header=None) return df else: return None
[docs] def get_feedback( self, round_id: int, images_id_list: list, image_names: list ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Dict, None]: """ Get feedback for the round. Args: round_id: Round identifier image_id_list: List if indices for images image_names: List of image names for the round Return: Either a dataframe or dictionary with score if the request is valid for the current round. """ if self.feedback_type == "classification": feedback_fn = self.get_labeled_feedback elif self.feedback_type == "score": feedback_fn = self.get_score_feedback else: raise ValueError("Unsupported feedback type {self.feedback_type} specified") return feedback_fn(round_id, images_id_list, image_names)
[docs] def deposit_income(self) -> None: """Get income for a round.""" self.budget = min(self.maximum_budget, (self.budget + self.income_per_batch))
[docs] def get_budget(self) -> int: """Get current budget.""" return self.budget