Source code for sail_on_client.evaluate.utils

"""Helper functions for metrics."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List

[docs]def check_novel_validity(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Check the validity of the inputs for per-sample novelty detection. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: None """ if p_novel.shape[0] != gt_novel.shape[0]: raise Exception( "Number of predicted samples not equal to number of groundtruth samples!" ) if p_novel.ndim != 1: raise Exception( "Predicted probabilities must be a vector but is an array of dimension {}!".format( p_novel.ndim ) ) if np.any(p_novel < 0) or np.any(p_novel > 1): raise Exception("Predicted novel probabilities should be between 0 and 1!") if np.any(np.logical_and(gt_novel != 0, gt_novel != 1)): raise Exception( "Groundtruth array should only consist of 0s (non-novel) or 1s(novel)!" ) return
[docs]def check_class_validity(p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Check the validity of the inputs for image classification. Inputs: p_class: Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample """ if p_class.shape[0] != gt_class.shape[0]: raise Exception( "Number of predicted samples not equal to number of groundtruth samples!" ) if np.any(p_class < 0) or np.any(p_class > 1): raise Exception("Predicted class probabilities should be between 0 and 1!") if p_class.ndim != 2: raise Exception( "Predicted probabilities must be a 2D matrix but is an array of dimension {}!".format( p_class.ndim ) ) if np.max(gt_class) >= p_class.shape[1] or np.min(gt_class < 0): raise Exception( "Groundtruth class labels must lie in the range [0-{}]!".format( p_class.shape[1] ) ) return
[docs]def topk_accuracy( p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, k: int, txt: str = "" ) -> float: """ Compute top-K accuracy. Args: p_class: Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: Nx1 computevector with ground-truth class for each sample k: 'k' used in top-K accuracy txt: Text associated with accuracy Returns: top-K accuracy """ check_class_validity(p_class, gt_class) p_class = np.argsort(-p_class)[:, :k] gt_class = gt_class[:, np.newaxis] check_zero: np.ndarray = p_class - gt_class correct = np.sum(np.any(check_zero == 0, axis=1).astype(int)) return round(float(correct) / p_class.shape[0], 5)
[docs]def top3_accuracy(p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, txt: str = "") -> float: """ Compute top-3 accuracy. (see topk_accuracy() for details). Args: p_class: Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: Nx1 computevector with ground-truth class for each sample txt: Text associated with accuracy Returns: top-3 accuracy """ return topk_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, k=3, txt=txt)
[docs]def top1_accuracy(p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, txt: str = "") -> float: """ Compute top-1 accuracy. (see topk_accuracy() for details). Args: p_class: Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: Nx1 computevector with ground-truth class for each sample txt: Text associated with accuracy Returns: top-1 accuracy """ return topk_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, k=1, txt=txt)
# compute information for the robustness measures
[docs]def get_rolling_stats( p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, k: int = 1, window_size: int = 50 ) -> List: """ Compute rolling statistics which are used for robustness measures. Args: p_class: Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: Nx1 compute vector with ground-truth class for each sample k: 'k' used for selecting top k values window_size: Window size for running stats Returns: List with mean and standard deviation """ p_cls_topk = np.argsort(-p_class)[:, :k] gt_cls_indx = gt_class[:, np.newaxis] check_zero_topk = p_cls_topk - gt_cls_indx topk_correct = 1 * (np.any(check_zero_topk == 0, axis=1)) acc_mean = pd.Series(topk_correct).rolling(window=window_size).mean().mean() acc_std = pd.Series(topk_correct).rolling(window=window_size).mean().std() return [acc_mean, acc_std]
[docs]def get_first_detect_novelty(p_novel: np.ndarray, thresh: float) -> int: """ Find the first index where novelty is detected. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty thresh: Score threshold for detecting when a sample is novel Returns: Index where an agent reports that a sample is novel """ if np.sum(p_novel >= thresh) < 1: first_detect_novelty = len(p_novel) + 1 else: first_detect_novelty = np.where(p_novel >= thresh)[0][0] + 1 return first_detect_novelty