Source code for sail_on_client.evaluate.metrics

"""Program Metric Functions."""

import warnings
import numpy as np
from sail_on_client.evaluate.utils import (
from typing import Dict

DETECT_THRESH_ = [0.175, 0.225, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]

def _get_threshold(p_novel: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.min(p_novel) + ((np.max(p_novel) - np.min(p_novel)) / 2.0)

[docs]def m_num(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Program Metric: Number of samples needed for detecting novelty. The method computes number of GT novel samples needed to predict the first true positive. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: single scalar for number of GT novel samples """ res = {} check_novel_validity(p_novel, gt_novel) if np.sum(gt_novel) < 1: for thresh in DETECT_THRESH_: res[f"{thresh}"] = -1 else: for thresh in DETECT_THRESH_: res[f"{thresh}"] = ((p_novel[gt_novel == 1] >= thresh).argmax(axis=0)) + 1 return res
[docs]def m_num_stats(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Program Metric: Number of samples needed for detecting novelty. The method computes number of GT novel samples needed to predict the first true positive. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: single scalar for number of GT novel samples """ check_novel_validity(p_novel, gt_novel) res = {} if np.sum(gt_novel) < 1: # only print warning first time. first_novel_indx = len(gt_novel) + 1 else: first_novel_indx = np.where(gt_novel == 1)[0][0] + 1 res["GT_indx"] = first_novel_indx for thresh in DETECT_THRESH_: res[f"P_indx_{thresh}"] = get_first_detect_novelty(p_novel, thresh) return res
[docs]def m_ndp(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray, mode: str = "full_test") -> Dict: """ Program Metric: Novelty detection performance. The method computes per-sample novelty detection performance Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of it being novel gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) mode: if 'full_test' computes on all test samples, if 'post_novelty' computes from first GT novel sample Returns: Dictionary of various metrics: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1_score and Confusion matrix """ check_novel_validity(p_novel, gt_novel) if mode not in ["full_test", "pre_novelty", "post_novelty"]: raise Exception( "Mode should be one of ['full_test','pre_novelty', 'post_novelty']" ) def get_all_scores_ndp(thresh: float) -> Dict: preds: np.ndarray = p_novel > thresh gt_novel_ = gt_novel if mode == "post_novelty": if any(gt_novel != 0): post_novel_idx = (gt_novel != 0).argmax(axis=0) preds = preds[post_novel_idx:] gt_novel_ = gt_novel[post_novel_idx:] else: return { f"accuracy_{thresh}": -1, f"precision_{thresh}": -1, f"recall_{thresh}": -1, f"f1_score_{thresh}": -1, f"TP_{thresh}": -1, f"FP_{thresh}": -1, f"TN_{thresh}": -1, f"FN_{thresh}": -1, } elif mode == "pre_novelty": if any(gt_novel != 0) and not all(gt_novel != 0): post_novel_idx = (gt_novel != 0).argmax(axis=0) preds = preds[:post_novel_idx] gt_novel_ = gt_novel[:post_novel_idx] tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(preds == 1, gt_novel_ == 1)) fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(preds == 1, gt_novel_ == 0)) tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(preds == 0, gt_novel_ == 0)) fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(preds == 0, gt_novel_ == 1)) acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn) if tp + fp == 0.0: precision = 0.0 else: precision = tp / (tp + fp) if tp + fn == 0.0: recall = 0.0 else: recall = tp / (tp + fn) if precision == 0.0 and recall == 0.0: f1_score = 0.0 else: f1_score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) return { f"accuracy_{thresh}": round(acc, 5), f"precision_{thresh}": round(precision, 5), f"recall_{thresh}": round(recall, 5), f"f1_score_{thresh}": round(f1_score, 5), f"TP_{thresh}": tp, f"FP_{thresh}": fp, f"TN_{thresh}": tn, f"FN_{thresh}": fn, } res = {} for thresh in DETECT_THRESH_: res.update(get_all_scores_ndp(thresh)) return res
[docs]def m_acc( gt_novel: np.ndarray, p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, round_size: int, asymptotic_start_round: int, ) -> Dict: """ Compute top1 and top3 accuracy. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty p_class : Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class : Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample round_size: Number of samples in a single round of the test asymptotic_start_round: Round id where metric computation starts Returns: Dictionary with results """ # full test batch_size = round_size results = {} try: results["full_top1"] = top1_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, txt="full_top1") results["full_top3"] = top3_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, txt="full_top3") # red button push: if np.sum(gt_novel) < 1: # only print warning first time. first_novel_indx = len(gt_novel) + 1 else: first_novel_indx = np.where(gt_novel == 1)[0][0] + 1 if first_novel_indx == len(gt_novel) + 1: results["pre_top1"] = top1_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, txt="pre_top1") results["pre_top3"] = top3_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, txt="pre_top3") results["post_top1"] = -1 results["post_top3"] = -1 results["post_mean_top1"] = -1 results["post_mean_top3"] = -1 results["post_std_top1"] = -1 results["post_std_top3"] = -1 else: # pre_novelty if first_novel_indx == 0: results["pre_top1"] = -1 results["pre_top3"] = -1 results["pre_mean_top1"] = -1 results["pre_mean_top3"] = -1 results["pre_std_top1"] = -1 results["pre_std_top3"] = -1 else: p_class_pre = p_class[:first_novel_indx] gt_class_pre = gt_class[:first_novel_indx] results["pre_top1"] = top1_accuracy( p_class_pre, gt_class_pre, txt="pre_top1" ) results["pre_top3"] = top3_accuracy( p_class_pre, gt_class_pre, txt="pre_top3" ) [results["pre_mean_top1"], results["pre_std_top1"]] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_pre, gt_class_pre, k=1, window_size=batch_size ) [results["pre_mean_top3"], results["pre_std_top3"]] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_pre, gt_class_pre, k=3, window_size=batch_size ) # post_novelty p_class_post = p_class[first_novel_indx:] gt_class_post = gt_class[first_novel_indx:] results["post_top1"] = top1_accuracy( p_class_post, gt_class_post, txt="post_top1" ) results["post_top3"] = top3_accuracy( p_class_post, gt_class_post, txt="post_top3" ) [results["post_mean_top1"], results["post_std_top1"]] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_post, gt_class_post, k=1, window_size=batch_size ) [results["post_mean_top3"], results["post_std_top3"]] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_post, gt_class_post, k=3, window_size=batch_size ) # asymptotic performance for last_i in np.arange( int(asymptotic_start_round) * batch_size, gt_novel.shape[0], round_size ): if len(gt_novel) > last_i: p_class_asym = p_class[-last_i:] gt_class_asym = gt_class[-last_i:] results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top1"] = top1_accuracy( p_class_asym, gt_class_asym, txt=f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top1" ) results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top3"] = top3_accuracy( p_class_asym, gt_class_asym, txt=f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top3" ) [ results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_mean_top1"], results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_std_top1"], ] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_asym, gt_class_asym, k=1, window_size=batch_size ) [ results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_mean_top3"], results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_std_top3"], ] = get_rolling_stats( p_class_asym, gt_class_asym, k=3, window_size=batch_size ) else: results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top1"] = -1 results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_top3"] = -1 results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_mean_top1"] = -1 results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_mean_top3"] = -1 results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_std_top1"] = -1 results[f"asymptotic_{last_i}_std_top3"] = -1 except Exception: import code import traceback as tb tb.print_stack() namespace = globals().copy() namespace.update(locals()) code.interact(local=namespace) return results
[docs]def m_ndp_pre(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty detection performance before novelty is introduced. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: Dictionary of following metrics values: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1_score and Confusion matrix """ return m_ndp(p_novel, gt_novel, mode="pre_novelty")
[docs]def m_ndp_post(p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty detection performance after novelty is introduced. Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: Dictionary of following metrics values: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1_score and Confusion matrix """ return m_ndp(p_novel, gt_novel, mode="post_novelty")
[docs]def m_ndp_failed_reaction( p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray, p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, mode: str = "full_test", ) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty detection when reaction fails. The method computes novelty detection performance for only on samples with incorrect k-class predictions Args: p_novel: NX1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: NX1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) p_class : Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class : Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample mode: if 'full_test' computes on all test samples, if 'post_novelty' computes from the first GT novel sample k: 'k' used in top-K accuracy Returns: Dictionary of various metrics: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1_score and Confusion matrix """ check_class_validity(p_class, gt_class) results = {} for k in [1, 3]: p_class_k = np.argsort(-p_class, axis=1)[:, :k] gt_class_k = gt_class[:, np.newaxis] check_zero = p_class_k - gt_class_k incorrect_mask = ~np.any(check_zero == 0, axis=1) if np.sum(incorrect_mask) == 0: warnings.warn( "WARNING! No incorrect predictions found. Returning empty dictionary" ) for metric in { "accuracy", "precision", "recall", "f1_score", "FN", "TP", "FP", "TN", }: results[f"top{k}_{metric}"] = -1 continue p_novel_k = p_novel[incorrect_mask] gt_novel_k = gt_novel[incorrect_mask] res = m_ndp(p_novel_k, gt_novel_k, mode) for metric in res: results[f"top{k}_{metric}"] = res[metric] return results
[docs]def m_accuracy_on_novel( p_class: np.ndarray, gt_class: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray ) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty robustness. The method computes top-K accuracy for only the novel samples Args: p_class : Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class : Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample gt_novel : Nx1 binary vector corresponding to the ground truth novel{1}/seen{0} labels k : K value to compute accuracy at Returns: Accuracy at rank-k """ check_class_validity(p_class, gt_class) if np.sum(gt_novel) < 1: return {"top3_acc_novel_only": -1, "top1_acc_novel_only": -1} p_class = p_class[gt_novel == 1] gt_class = gt_class[gt_novel == 1] return { "top3_acc_novel_only": topk_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, k=3), "top1_acc_novel_only": topk_accuracy(p_class, gt_class, k=1), }