Source code for sail_on_client.evaluate.image_classification

"""Image Classification Class for metrics for sail-on."""

from sail_on_client.evaluate.program_metrics import ProgramMetrics
from sail_on_client.evaluate.metrics import m_acc, m_num, m_ndp, m_num_stats
from sail_on_client.evaluate.metrics import m_ndp_failed_reaction
from sail_on_client.evaluate.metrics import m_accuracy_on_novel
from sail_on_client.evaluate.utils import topk_accuracy

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas as pd

from typing import Dict

[docs]class ImageClassificationMetrics(ProgramMetrics): """Image Classification program metric class."""
[docs] def __init__( self, protocol: str, image_id: int, detection: int, classification: int ) -> None: """ Initialize. Args: protocol: Name of the protocol. image_id: Column id for image detection: Column id for predicting sample wise world detection classification: Column id for predicting sample wise classes Returns: None """ super().__init__(protocol) self.image_id = image_id self.detection_id = detection self.classification_id = classification self.novel_id = -1 # Added only for fixing typechecking problems
[docs] def m_acc( self, gt_novel: DataFrame, p_class: DataFrame, gt_class: DataFrame, round_size: int, asymptotic_start_round: int, ) -> Dict: """ m_acc function. Args: gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) p_class: class predictions (Dimension: [img X prob that sample is novel, prob of 88 known classes]) gt_class: ground truth classes (Dimension: [img X detection, classification]) round_size: size of the round asymptotic_start_round: asymptotic samples considered for computing metrics Returns: Dictionary containing top1, top3 accuracy over the test, pre and post novelty. """ class_prob = p_class.iloc[:, range(1, p_class.shape[1])].to_numpy() gt_class_idx = gt_class.to_numpy() return m_acc( gt_novel, class_prob, gt_class_idx, round_size, asymptotic_start_round )
[docs] def m_acc_round_wise( self, p_class: DataFrame, gt_class: DataFrame, round_id: int ) -> Dict: """ m_acc_round_wise function. Args: p_class: class predictions gt_class: ground truth classes round_id: round identifier Returns: Dictionary containing top1, top3 accuracy for a round """ class_prob = p_class.iloc[:, range(1, p_class.shape[1])].to_numpy() gt_class_idx = gt_class.to_numpy() top1_acc = topk_accuracy(class_prob, gt_class_idx, k=1) top3_acc = topk_accuracy(class_prob, gt_class_idx, k=3) return { f"top1_accuracy_round_{round_id}": top1_acc, f"top3_accuracy_round_{round_id}": top3_acc, }
[docs] def m_num(self, p_novel: DataFrame, gt_novel: DataFrame) -> Dict: """ m_num function. A Program Metric where the number of samples needed for detecting novelty. The method computes the number of GT novel samples needed to predict the first true positive. Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) Nx1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Nx1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: Difference between the novelty introduction and predicting change in world. """ return m_num(p_novel, gt_novel)
[docs] def m_num_stats(self, p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Program Metric. Number of samples needed for detecting novelty. The method computes number of GT novel samples needed to predict the first true positive. Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) Nx1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Nx1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) Returns: Dictionary containing indices for novelty introduction and change in world prediction. """ return m_num_stats(p_novel, gt_novel)
[docs] def m_ndp( self, p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray, mode: str = "full_test" ) -> Dict: """ Novelty Detection Performance: Program Metric. Novelty detection performance. The method computes per-sample novelty detection performance. Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) Nx1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of it being novel gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Nx1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) mode: the mode to compute the test. if 'full_test' computes on all test samples, if 'post_novelty' computes from first GT novel sample. If 'pre_novelty', only calculate before first novel sample. Returns: Dictionary containing novelty detection performance over the test. """ return m_ndp(p_novel, gt_novel, mode="full_test")
[docs] def m_ndp_pre(self, p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Novelty Detection Performance Pre Red Light. m_ndp_pre function. See :func:`~sail-on-client.evaluation.ImageClassificationMetrics.m_ndp` with post_novelty. This computes to the first GT novel sample. It really isn't useful and is just added for completion. Should always be 0 since no possible TP. Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Returns: Dictionary containing detection performance pre novelty. """ return m_ndp(p_novel, gt_novel, mode="pre_novelty")
[docs] def m_ndp_post(self, p_novel: np.ndarray, gt_novel: np.ndarray) -> Dict: """ Novelty Detection Performance Post Red Light. m_ndp_post function. See :func:`~sail-on-client.evaluation.ImageClassificationMetrics.m_ndp` with post_novelty. This computes from the first GT novel sample Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Returns: Dictionary containing detection performance post novelty. """ return m_ndp(p_novel, gt_novel, mode="post_novelty")
[docs] def m_ndp_failed_reaction( self, p_novel: DataFrame, gt_novel: DataFrame, p_class: DataFrame, gt_class: DataFrame, mode: str = "full_test", ) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty detection when reaction fails. Not Implemented since no gt_class info for novel samples The method computes novelty detection performance for only on samples with incorrect k-class predictions Args: p_novel: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X novel]) Nx1 vector with each element corresponding to probability of novelty gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: [img X detection]) Nx1 vector with each element 0 (not novel) or 1 (novel) p_class: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X prob that sample is novel, prob of 88 known classes]) Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: ground truth classes (Dimension: [img X classification]) Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample mode: if 'full_test' computes on all test samples, if 'post_novelty' computes from the first GT novel sample. If 'pre_novelty', than everything before novelty introduced. Returns: Dictionary containing TP, FP, TN, FN, top1, top3 accuracy over the test. """ class_prob = p_class.iloc[:, range(1, p_class.shape[1])].to_numpy() gt_class_idx = gt_class.to_numpy() return m_ndp_failed_reaction(p_novel, gt_novel, class_prob, gt_class_idx)
[docs] def m_accuracy_on_novel( self, p_class: DataFrame, gt_class: DataFrame, gt_novel: DataFrame ) -> Dict: """ Additional Metric: Novelty robustness. The method computes top-K accuracy for only the novel samples Args: p_class: detection predictions (Dimension: [img X prob that sample is novel, prob of known classes]) Nx(K+1) matrix with each row corresponding to K+1 class probabilities for each sample gt_class: ground truth classes (Dimension: [img X classification]) Nx1 vector with ground-truth class for each sample gt_novel: ground truth detections (Dimension: N X [img, classification]) Nx1 binary vector corresponding to the ground truth novel{1}/seen{0} labels Returns: Accuracy on novely samples """ class_prob = p_class.iloc[:, range(1, p_class.shape[1])].to_numpy() gt_class_idx = gt_class.to_numpy() return m_accuracy_on_novel(class_prob, gt_class_idx, gt_novel)
[docs] def m_is_cdt_and_is_early(self, gt_idx: int, ta2_idx: int, test_len: int) -> Dict: """ Is change detection and is change detection early (m_is_cdt_and_is_early) function. Args: gt_idx: Index when novelty is introduced ta2_idx: Index when change is detected test_len: Length of test Returns Dictionary containing boolean showing if change was was detected and if it was detected early """ is_cdt = (ta2_idx >= gt_idx) & (ta2_idx < test_len) is_early = ta2_idx < gt_idx return {"Is CDT": is_cdt, "Is Early": is_early}
[docs] def m_nrp(self, ta2_acc: Dict, baseline_acc: Dict) -> Dict: """ m_nrp function. Args: ta2_acc: Accuracy scores for the agent baseline_acc: Accuracy scores for baseline Returns: Reaction performance for the agent """ nrp = {} nrp["M_nrp_post_top3"] = 100 * (ta2_acc["post_top3"] / baseline_acc["pre_top3"]) nrp["M_nrp_post_top1"] = 100 * (ta2_acc["post_top1"] / baseline_acc["pre_top1"]) return nrp
[docs]def convert_df(old_filepath: str, new_filepath: str) -> None: """ Convert from the old df to the new df. Args: old_filepath: the filepath the the old *_single_df.csv file new_filepath: the filepath the the old *_single_df.csv file Return: None """ df = pd.read_csv(old_filepath) df["id"] = df.current_path df["detection"] = df.cls_novelty.cummax() df["classification"] = df.class_id # Retain the class num for novel classes but as negative numbers mask = df.classification == -1 df.loc[mask, "classification"] = df.loc[mask, "current_path"].map( lambda x: -int(x.split("/")[-2]) ) df[["id", "detection", "classification"]].to_csv(new_filepath, index=False)