Source code for sail_on_client.checkpointer

"""Checkpoint to save and restore attributes."""

import logging
import torch
import os
import pickle as pkl
from torch import Tensor

from typing import Dict, Any

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Checkpointer(object): """Checkpoint object to save and restore attributes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, toolset: Dict) -> None: """ Initialize. Args: toolset: Dictionary with parameter for the mixin Returns: None """ self.toolset = toolset
[docs] def _save_elementwise_attribute( self, detector: Any, attribute: str, attribute_dict: Dict ) -> Dict: """ Private method to save attributes element wise. Args: detector: Instance of novelty detector attribute: Name of the detector attribute that needs to be saved attribute dict: A dictonary containing attribute value for other tests Returns: Update attribute dictionary """ attribute_val = getattr(detector, attribute) test_id = self.toolset["test_id"] if isinstance(attribute_val, dict): if test_id in attribute_dict: attribute_dict[test_id].update(attribute_val) else: attribute_dict[test_id] = attribute_val elif isinstance(attribute_val, list): if test_id in attribute_dict: attribute_dict[test_id].extend(attribute_val) else: attribute_dict[test_id] = attribute_val elif isinstance(attribute_val, tuple): if test_id in attribute_dict: old_attr_val = list(attribute_dict[test_id]) old_attr_val.extend(list(attribute_val)) attribute_dict[test_id] = tuple(old_attr_val) else: attribute_dict[test_id] = attribute_val elif isinstance(attribute_val, Tensor): if test_id in attribute_dict: attribute_dict[test_id] = [attribute_dict[test_id], attribute_val] ) else: attribute_dict[test_id] = attribute_val else: "Treating attribute value as a single element rather than an iterable" ) attribute_dict[test_id] = attribute_val return attribute_dict
[docs] def save_attributes(self, step_descriptor: str) -> None: """ Save attribute for a detector. Args: step_descriptor: String describing steps for protocol Returns None """ if step_descriptor in self.toolset["saved_attributes"]: attributes = self.toolset["saved_attributes"][step_descriptor] else: attributes = [] save_elementwise = self.toolset["save_elementwise"] attribute_dict = self.toolset["attributes"] self.detector: Any if len(attributes) > 0: for attribute in attributes: if hasattr(self.detector, attribute) and save_elementwise: if attribute not in attribute_dict: attribute_dict[attribute] = {} attribute_dict[attribute] = self._save_elementwise_attribute( self.detector, attribute, attribute_dict[attribute] ) elif hasattr(self.detector, attribute) and not save_elementwise: raise NotImplementedError( "Saving attributes for an entire round is not supported" ) else: log.warn(f"Detector does not have {attribute} attribute") else:"No attributes found for {step_descriptor}") self.toolset["attributes"] = attribute_dict
[docs] def _restore_elementwise_attribute( self, detector: Any, attribute_name: str, attribute_val: Dict ) -> Any: """ Private method to restore attributes element wise. Args: detector: Instance of novelty detector attribute_name: Name of the detector attribute that needs to be saved attribute_val: A dictonary containing value for attributes Returns Detector with updated value for attributes """ dataset_ids = list( map(lambda x: x.strip(), open(self.toolset["dataset"], "r").readlines()) ) round_id = self.toolset["round_id"] round_len = len(dataset_ids) if isinstance(attribute_val, dict): round_attribute_val = {} for dataset_id in dataset_ids: round_attribute_val[dataset_id] = attribute_val[dataset_id] elif ( isinstance(attribute_val, list) or isinstance(attribute_val, tuple) or isinstance(attribute_val, Tensor) ): round_attribute_val = attribute_val[ round_id * round_len : (round_id + 1) * round_len ] else: "Treating attribute value as a single element rather than an iterable." ) round_attribute_val = attribute_val setattr(detector, attribute_name, round_attribute_val) return detector
[docs] def restore_attributes(self, step_descriptor: str) -> None: """ Restore attribute for a detector. Args: step_descriptor: String describing steps for protocol Returns: None """ if ( self.toolset["use_saved_attributes"] and step_descriptor in self.toolset["saved_attributes"] ): attributes = self.toolset["saved_attributes"][step_descriptor] save_elementwise = self.toolset["save_elementwise"] save_dir = self.toolset["save_dir"] test_id = self.toolset["test_id"] if os.path.isdir(save_dir): attribute_file = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{test_id}_attribute.pkl") attribute_val = pkl.load(open(attribute_file, "rb")) else: attribute_val = pkl.load(open(save_dir, "rb")) for attribute in attributes: if save_elementwise: self.detector = self._restore_elementwise_attribute( self.detector, attribute, attribute_val[attribute][test_id] ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Restoring attributes for an entire round is not supported." ) else:"No attributes found for {step_descriptor}.")