Source code for sail_on_client.agent.pre_computed_detector

"""Agents that use precomputed values in the protocol."""

from sail_on_client.agent.visual_agent import VisualAgent
from sail_on_client.agent.ond_agent import ONDAgent
from sail_on_client.agent.condda_agent import CONDDAAgent
from typing import Dict, Any, Tuple, Callable

import logging
import os
import pandas as pd

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PreComputedAgent(VisualAgent): """Detector for submitting precomputed results."""
[docs] def __init__( self, algorithm_name: str, cache_dir: str, has_roundwise_file: bool, round_size: int, ) -> None: """ Construct agent with precomputed results. Args: algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm cache_dir: Path to cache directory has_roundwise_file: Flag to determine if the cache has files for rounds round_size: Size of a round """ ONDAgent.__init__(self) self.algorithm_name = algorithm_name self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.has_roundwise_file = has_roundwise_file self.round_size = round_size self.step_dict: Dict[str, Callable] = { "Initialize": self.initialize, "FeatureExtraction": self.feature_extraction, "WorldDetection": self.world_detection, }
[docs] def get_config(self) -> Dict: """Return a default configuration dictionary.""" return { "algorithm_name": self.algorithm_name, "cache_dir": self.cache_dir, "has_roundwise_file": self.has_roundwise_file, "round_size": self.round_size, }
[docs] def execute(self, toolset: Dict, step_descriptor: str) -> Any: """ Execute method used by the protocol to run different steps associated with the algorithm. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps step_descriptor (str): Name of the step """"Executing {step_descriptor}") return self.step_dict[step_descriptor](toolset)
[docs] def initialize(self, toolset: Dict) -> None: """ Algorithm Initialization. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: None """ self.round_idx = {"detection": 0, "classification": 0} self.test_id = toolset["test_id"]
def _get_test_info_from_toolset(self, toolset: Dict) -> Tuple: """ Private function for getting test id and round id (optionally) from toolset. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: tuple containing test id and round id (optionally) """ if self.has_roundwise_file: return (self.test_id, toolset["round_id"]) else: return self.test_id def _get_result_path(self, toolset: Dict, step_descriptor: str) -> str: """ Private function for getting path to results. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps step_descriptor (str): Name of the step Return: Path to the result file """ if self.has_roundwise_file: test_id, round_id = self._get_test_info_from_toolset(toolset) return os.path.join( self.cache_dir, f"{test_id}.{round_id}_{self.algorithm_name}_{step_descriptor}.csv", ) else: test_id = self._get_test_info_from_toolset(toolset) return os.path.join( self.cache_dir, f"{test_id}_{self.algorithm_name}_{step_descriptor}.csv" ) def _generate_step_result(self, toolset: Dict, step_descriptor: str) -> str: result_path = self._get_result_path(toolset, step_descriptor) if self.has_roundwise_file: return result_path else: round_file_path = os.path.join( self.cache_dir, f"{self.algorithm_name}_{step_descriptor}.csv" ) round_idx = self.round_idx[step_descriptor] test_df = pd.read_csv(result_path, header=None) round_df = test_df.iloc[round_idx : round_idx + self.round_size] self.round_idx[step_descriptor] += self.round_size round_df.to_csv(round_file_path, index=False, header=False) return round_file_path
[docs] def feature_extraction( self, toolset: Dict ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Feature extraction step for the algorithm. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: Tuple of dictionary """ self.dataset = toolset["dataset"] pd.read_csv(self.dataset, header=None).shape[0] return {}, {}
[docs] def world_detection(self, toolset: Dict) -> str: """ Detect change in world ( Novelty has been introduced ). Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: path to csv file containing the results for change in world """ return self._generate_step_result(toolset, "detection")
[docs]class PreComputedONDAgent(PreComputedAgent, ONDAgent): """Detector for submitting precomputed results in OND."""
[docs] def __init__( self, algorithm_name: str, cache_dir: str, has_roundwise_file: bool, round_size: int, ) -> None: """ Construct agent with precomputed results for OND. Args: algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm cache_dir: Path to cache directory has_roundwise_file: Flag to determine if the cache has files for rounds round_size: Size of a round """ PreComputedAgent.__init__( self, algorithm_name, cache_dir, has_roundwise_file, round_size ) ONDAgent.__init__(self) self.step_dict.update( { "NoveltyClassification": self.novelty_classification, "NoveltyAdaptation": self.novelty_adaptation, "NoveltyCharacterization": self.novelty_characterization, } )
[docs] def novelty_classification(self, toolset: Dict) -> str: """ Classify data provided in known classes and unknown class. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: path to csv file containing the results for novelty classification step """ return self._generate_step_result(toolset, "classification")
[docs] def novelty_adaptation(self, toolset: Dict) -> None: """ Update models based on novelty classification and characterization. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: None """ pass
[docs] def novelty_characterization(self, toolset: Dict) -> str: """ Characterize novelty by clustering different novel samples. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: path to csv file containing the results for novelty characterization step """ return self._get_result_path(toolset, "characterization")
[docs]class PreComputedCONDDAAgent(PreComputedAgent, CONDDAAgent): """Detector for submitting precomputed results in CONDDA."""
[docs] def __init__( self, algorithm_name: str, cache_dir: str, has_roundwise_file: bool, round_size: int, ) -> None: """ Construct agent with precomputed results for CONDDA. Args: algorithm_name: Name of the algorithm cache_dir: Path to cache directory has_roundwise_file: Flag to determine if the cache has files for rounds round_size: Size of a round """ PreComputedAgent.__init__( self, algorithm_name, cache_dir, has_roundwise_file, round_size ) ONDAgent.__init__(self) self.step_dict.update( {"NoveltyCharacterization": self.novelty_characterization} )
[docs] def novelty_characterization(self, toolset: Dict) -> str: """ Characterize novelty by clustering different novel samples. Args: toolset (dict): Dictionary containing parameters for different steps Return: path to csv file containing the results for novelty characterization step """ return self._get_result_path(toolset, "characterization")